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Selam aleikum, liebe Community!

Nach 14 Jahren intensiver Arbeit ist Halalcheck bereit für den nächsten großen Schritt. Unser Projekt hat sich als verlässliche Quelle für Transparenz und Qualität in der Halal-Lebensmittelbranche etabliert – jetzt suchen wir engagierte Investoren und Nachfolger, die diese Mission weiterführen und auf das nächste Level heben.

Halalcheck bietet enormes Wachstumspotenzial und eine starke Community, die Vertrauen in unsere Plattform setzt. Möchtest du Teil dieser Erfolgsgeschichte sein? Dann melde dich bei uns!


Halal-Market in Germany

With a population of around 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide and an international turnover of 67 billion euros, Halal products currently account for 17% of global food production. An annual increase of 20 is expected until 2025 % worldwide. The area of Halal products is therefore considered to be the fastest growing area of the food industry internationally. The turnover of the Halal market in Germany alone is around 5 billion euros, with meat products accounting for the largest part. The trend is still rising .

It is striking that it is not the Muslim society that is profiting from the growing halal market, but industry giants such as Unilever or Nestlé, where around 80 of 456 products are halal certified. The Swiss company has been offering halal products since 1980 and achieves a total annual turnover of 5% (around 4 billion euros) which means that the turnover from halal products is even higher than the proceeds from organic products.


Halal Certificate System

There are currently around 250 certifiers worldwide, which are managed by Muslim organizations, mosques or private companies.
Unfortunately, there is currently neither a globally nor nationwide identical Halal certificate system, nor a uniform and protected Halal seal.
While in some Islamic countries, such as Malaysia or Indonesia, the recognition of Halal certifiers is already regulated by the state, in Europe there is a rather confusing number of private providers, some of which can also be managed by non-Muslims. As a result, the requirements of the respective certifiers can differ in detail (does not refer to the basic dietary regulations but to the possible differences in interpretation by scholars). Furthermore, every manufacturer can attach a halal seal to its products without observing the halal guidelines. Above all, this damages the trust of Muslim consumers and the need for a uniform and protected halal seal is constantly increasing.


Halal Certifier in Germany

In 2010 there were already around 400 manufacturers in Germany offering Halal products.
There are currently nine major Muslim certifiers in Germany, which are accredited via various systems:



- RAL seal of quality Halal (Germany)
- RAL seal of quality Halal (Germany)
- Accredited to the JAKIM (Malaysia) and MUI standard (Indonesia)
- Rejects certification of the meat industry
- RAL seal of quality Halal (Germany)
- RAL seal of quality Halal (Germany)
- Issues its certificates in cooperation with m-haditec GmbH & Co KG
- RAL seal of quality Halal (Germany)
- RAL seal of quality Halal (Germany)
- Accredited to the JAKIM standard (Malaysia)

